V018 The Cross | Narrated in English | DVD
V018 The Cross | Narrated in English | DVD
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List Price :  $20.00 / Set
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Product Content: 1 Documentary Product Format: 2 DVD Product Language: 2 English
Description: This documentary The Cross: Jesus in China portrays the little known history of a remarkable people; it is the turbulent 50 year history of Chinese Christians on screen. For the first time, the history of Christianity in China, especially within the House-Church movement, is given in an honest and comprehensive account. It was translated into 20 languages and chosen as teaching material for “Faith and Globalization” seminar at Yale University. 4 DVDs, about 4 hours. Copyright 2003, English narrations and subtitles.
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V018 The Cross | Narrated in English | DVD $10.00 1 9/14/24 12:46 PM Transaction
W************N V018 The Cross | Narrated in English | DVD $10.00 5 4/4/24 12:06 AM Transaction
阳** V018 十字架-耶稣在中国 | 英文配音 | DVD $10.00 1 11/8/23 5:15 PM Transaction
C*****n V018 The Cross | Narrated in English | DVD $10.00 1 8/30/23 11:56 AM Transaction
W*******u V018 The Cross | Narrated in English | DVD $10.00 1 4/25/23 10:51 AM Transaction
V018 The Cross | Narrated in English | DVD $10.00 2 1/4/23 6:16 PM Transaction
W*******u V018 The Cross | Narrated in English | DVD $10.00 4 12/15/22 2:52 PM Transaction
V018 The Cross | Narrated in English | DVD $10.00 1 8/12/22 12:02 PM Transaction
V018 The Cross | Narrated in English | DVD $10.00 1 6/22/22 8:15 PM Transaction
V018 十字架-耶穌在中國 | 英文配音 | DVD $10.00 1 6/19/22 9:53 PM Transaction
W*******u V018 The Cross | Narrated in English | DVD $10.00 10 5/16/22 9:58 AM Transaction
V018 The Cross | Narrated in English | DVD $10.00 1 4/29/22 9:44 AM Transaction
V018 十字架-耶稣在中国 | 英文配音 | DVD $10.00 1 4/15/22 4:02 PM Transaction
尹*** V018 十字架-耶稣在中国 | 英文配音 | DVD $10.00 1 1/13/22 5:52 PM Transaction
V018 The Cross | Narrated in English | DVD $10.00 1 12/9/21 10:01 AM Transaction
V018 十字架-耶稣在中国 | 英文配音 | DVD $10.00 2 9/23/21 8:51 AM Transaction
V018 The Cross | Narrated in English | DVD $10.00 2 7/17/21 8:25 AM Transaction
V018 The Cross | Narrated in English | DVD $10.00 2 7/9/21 9:58 AM Transaction
T**********e V018 The Cross | Narrated in English | DVD $10.00 2 7/8/21 3:21 PM Transaction
V018 The Cross | Narrated in English | DVD $10.00 5 5/23/21 9:19 AM Transaction
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